All about

Robert Carpenter Turner's


Mobile Phone: 07956-222596 E-mail address:

Photographic business established 1975

Specialising in Photography
of People working in the Arts.
Promotional Pictures for Actors, Actresses, Musicians,

Dancers and all those in the Performing Arts.

In addition

Family Portraits, Weddings and Social Functions.

Robert Carpenter Turner has had many years experience photographing performers. He is accomplished at directing and lighting, arranging groups and ensembles, and in generally helping people relax and enjoy the photographic session.

Do consider carefully what type of photo session you need. Is it for the actors "Spotlight " or for a classical music programme ? Try, if possible, to avoid the following: White or Black clothes with the exception of evening dress; Having your hair done on the day by someone you don't know; Shirts with thread-bare collars; Old bow ties, very strong patterns. Do not wear your glasses for about an hour beforehand if you wish to be photographed without them - they leave that little mark on the bridge of the nose. Do look as smart as possible. Ladies could have some jewellery but not really necessary for "Spotlight". Bring several outfits if you wish (you don't need shoes if you are only having your portrait taken !). Musicians - don't forget your instruments. Advice will of course be given when you are being photographed, but a little planning in advance really helps add to the success of the session.

Make-up. A little make-up is a good idea. Ladies - a dark red lipstick makes the lips clearer in Black & White photography. Don't over do your make-up unless you want to look ‘made up’. Why not visit a make-up artist beforehand . If you feel a little apprehensive about having your photograph taken, just have a friend around to encourage you.

You have to make all these decisions before the photo shoot - so you might like to take the above points into consideration. Do ask any questions - even if they seem very simple - after all satisfied customers always tell their friend about this studio.

To ask any question or book a Session

Just call Robert on 01672 852265